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MARCH 27, 2007
7:05 HMLD

Members Present: Paul Challenger, Ed Benoit, Al Berg, Paul Anderson, Maria Dell'Ovo,
Marilynn Foley

Also Present: Tom Pandiscio Superintendent WRSD, Peter Brennan, Comptroller WRSD,
WRSDC Representatives: Margaret Watson Chairman WRSDC, Bob Carter, Steve Hammond, Selectman Joe Sullivan

The meeting was called to order at 7:05.

This meeting was called to review the WRSD Budget with the Finance Committee.  The Superintendent answered many questions from the Committee.  He also provided handouts for the Committee.  There was discussion concerning the affordability of the WRSD Budget for the 5 towns in the regional district.  Also discussed was the losses the Town of Holden has felt in the past few years to its programs.  The WRHS building project was discussed and completion should be by the start of school in September.

Al reported on the WRSDC Budget meeting on March 26, 2007.

The meeting adjourned at 9:55.

Respectfully Submitted,
Marilynn Foley